
Laptop Travel Ban

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) said Sunday that passenger demand for flights by Middle East airlines to the United States fell in April in year-on-year terms by 2.8 percent due to the laptop ban introduced by the U. S. in late March. IATA estimates that if the ban were extended to Europe-to-US flights, it would cause a USD$1.4 billion hit on productivity, and that 15 percent of business travellers would seek to reduce their travel. After a dip in the month of March, India's domestic If the expanded ban is implemented, it could cause thousands of business travelers leaving or coming the U.S. to scramble to find ways to work on their flights and keep sensitive work information on hand while they travel. A goal of the ban is to keep In order to protect enterprise assets and information, corporate travel managers should touch base with their But information is an organization’s greatest asset and the laptop ban rules are uncertain, so additional precautions should be considered It is important to note that prior to this, there was no electronics ban to any Middle Eastern country from the I saw this in action. Only my personal laptop, kindle and laptop power cord were taken, leaving me with my external cell phone power packs (CNN)On Monday, the TSA announced a peculiar new security measure to take effect within 96 hours. Passengers flying into the US on foreign airlines from eight Muslim countries would be prohibited from carrying aboard any electronics larger than a smartphone. .

“Seems as well planned as the Travel Ban,” one pilot joked at the time of the announcement of an errant terrorist evading security and successfully detonating a laptop bomb.” “I certainly would not want to fly with that many lithium batteries There is something particularly pernicious about the way this laptop ban works. It doesn’t apply to flights leaving the U.S. for the Middle East—which is to say west-east travel. But on those flights, a lack of connectivity or access to a laptop isn Airlines have recently stopped bad mouthing the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on every flight because all of those devices, which were prone to catching fire, appeared to be out of the market. Then Samsung, in its infinite desire to do stupid things, started to What fliers need to know about the airline laptop and electronics ban No imminent threat was reported. But the targeted airlines will have 96 hours to ensure that passengers stow all of their tablets, e-readers, DVD players, cameras, game units, travel pri .

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